Early Signs Of Pregnancy - Journey Of Mother

Early signs of pregnancy

Early signs of pregnancy


Pregnancy is a thrilling and transforming experience that causes several changes in a woman’s body. While a missed period is frequently the first symptom that encourages a woman to explore the potential of pregnancy, there are a number of early signs that can occur prior to a missed period. In this post, we’ll look at the very first indicators of pregnancy and talk about what to expect during the first few weeks.

Early Signs of Pregnancy Before Missed Period:

For many women, the time between ovulation and a missed period is fraught with expectation and curiosity. Despite the availability of different pregnancy tests on the market, some women may opt to pay attention to their bodies for early indicators of pregnancy before reaching the stage of a missing period.

early signs of pregnancy

Boosted basal body temperature:

A modest increase in basal body temperature may indicate pregnancy before a missed menstruation. Progesterone levels generally rise as a result of this.

Improved senses of smell and taste:

Some women also experience heightened senses of smell and taste before their missing period, which can indicate pregnancy.

Mild cramping in the pelvis:

As an early symptom of pregnancy, minor pelvic cramps may occur on occasion. This is frequently ascribed to the implantation of a fertilized egg.

Very Early Signs of Pregnancy:

Before we get into the exact indicators, it’s important to remember that every woman’s experience with early pregnancy is different. In the first few weeks, some women may have multiple symptoms, while others may have none. However, it is typical for women to observe tiny changes in their bodies that indicate pregnancy.

physical signs:
  • Breast tenderness: As an early sign of pregnancy, many women report increased sensitivity or pain in their breasts.
  • Fatigue: One of the first indicators of pregnancy is feeling particularly weary or exhausted.
  • Nausea and morning sickness: While nausea and morning sickness are most usually linked with the later stages of pregnancy, some women suffer minor nausea or morning sickness early on.
  • Urination more frequently than normal: An increased need to urinate more frequently than usual could be a symptom of pregnancy.
  • Cravings and aversions: Cravings for certain foods or aversions to certain scents or tastes are common symptoms.
  • Headaches: Hormonal changes in some pregnant women might cause minor headaches or migraines.
  • Bloating and constipation: Even in the early stages of pregnancy, hormonal imbalances can induce bloating and constipation.
Signs of Emotion and Mental Illness:
  • Mood swings: Hormone fluctuations can affect a woman’s mood, making her more emotional or irritated.
  • Increased sense of smell: Some pregnant women experience an increase in their sense of smell, making previously unnoticed odors overbearing.
  • Increased emotional connection: A greater link with loved ones or heightened empathy can be indicators of early pregnancy.

Pregnancy Symptoms

Early Signs of Pregnancy Urine:

Pregnancy tests that detect the presence of hCG hormone in the urine have grown in popularity as a means of confirming pregnancy. However, even before taking a pregnancy test, some women may notice changes in their urine that indicate pregnancy.

Frequent urination:

Urinary incontinence is a typical early indication of pregnancy. This is due to increased blood flow to the kidneys and the uterus expanding and placing pressure on the bladder.

Urine color and odor changes:

Some women may detect changes in the color and odor of their urine, although these variations vary and are not always indicative of pregnancy. A healthcare expert should be consulted for definitive confirmation.

Early signs of pregnancy are as follows:

  • Headache
  • Mood swings
  • Fatigue
  • Cramps
  • Nausea or Vomiting
  • Taste of mouth changes
  • Body temperature high
  • Constipation
  • Spotting or light Bleeding
  • Lower abdomnal pain
  • dizziness
  • body temperature
  • changes in cervical mucus
  • Breast tenderness, swelling
  • Frequent urination.

Early sign of pregnancy Dizziness can be common due to hormonal changes, increased body volume adjusting to the growing uterus. Be sure to stay hydrated, avoid standing up to early, and trying to get up slowly from lying and sittung positions. If dizziness persists or is severe, it is important to consult your health care provider.

early signs of pregnancy

Very Early Signs of Pregnancy 1 Week:

It may sound incredible, but some women can detect pregnancy symptoms as early as one week after conception. While these symptoms are frequently mild, paying great attention to your body can assist you in detecting them.

Spotting of implants:

Some women may experience very faint spotting, commonly known as implantation bleeding, about one week following conception. This is one of the first indicators of pregnancy that most women overlook.

Cervical mucus changes:

The consistency and color of cervical mucus may alter during the first week of pregnancy. It may thicken and seem yellowish or milky.

Very Early Signs of Pregnancy 2 Week:

The early signs of pregnancy and symptoms of pregnancy change as the pregnancy advances. By the second week after conception, a few other indicators may develop, offering further information about a prospective pregnancy.

  • Increased fatigue: Fatigue might become more severe during the second week of pregnancy. This could be because of hormonal changes in the body.
  • Increased frequency of urination: As with the previous week, increased frequency of urination may continue and become more evident.
  • Sharpened senses: The heightening of senses that occurred earlier in the week might continue into the second week, with odors and tastes becoming even more pronounced.
  • Abdominal bloating: During this time, some women may suffer bloating comparable to premenstrual bloating as an early sign of pregnancy.

Very Early Signs of Pregnancy 3 Week:

Some women may experience additional indicators that point to the early signs of pregnancy by the third week of pregnancy.

  • Morning sickness: While it is usually associated with the latter stages, some women may have minor morning sickness, including nausea and vomiting, as early as the third week.
  • Increased vaginal discharge: During this stage, the vaginal discharge may continue to rise and become more visible.
  • Feeling dizzy or lightheaded:In early pregnancy, hormonal changes and increased blood volume can create feelings of lightheadedness or dizziness.
  • Enhanced sense of smell:The earlier-mentioned sensitivity to odours may persist during the third week, with specific fragrances becoming more unpleasant or overbearing.


Recognizing the early signs of pregnancy may be a liberating and thrilling experience for women who are actively trying to conceive or suspect they are pregnant. It is crucial to note, however, that each woman’s pregnancy experience is unique. If you suspect you are pregnant or are experiencing any troubling symptoms, always seek the advice of a healthcare expert for an accurate diagnosis and guidance throughout your pregnancy experience.

1 thought on “Early signs of pregnancy”

  1. Mrs Wilson

    I have go true the write up,is very very okay,it shows how you feel and it helps you to know how body changes, thank you very much.

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