Common Complications During Pregnancy - Journey Of Mother

Common complications during pregnancy

Common complications during pregnancy

Common complications during pregnancy:

In our article, “Common Complications During Pregnancy: Fact or Fiction? We explore common complications that may arise during pregnancy and discover effective solutions to ensure a healthy pregnancy. Although the process is natural, it is like a test for the mother. During pregnancy, a woman’s body goes through many changes. Different hormones are produced in the body which lead to these changes.The following problems may occur during pregnancy, but not necessarily all of them. These problems cannot be completely eliminated by treatment. These problems are actually caused by pregnancy. These problems go away on their own soon after the baby is born when the pregnancy is over, but various measures can help to reduce the discomfort.

common complications during pregnancy

Increase in temperature:

 In the early stages of pregnancy Common complications during pregnancy  the mother’s body temperature is sometimes mild It increases a bit. No need to worry about it. Remember, before taking any medicine for a minor illness, such as a cold or fever, during pregnancy, make sure that the medicine is safe for you and your baby. common Now 5 common problems during pregnancy.

Feeling tired:

Common complications during pregnancy  is very demanding, so many women feel very tired during pregnancy, especially in the first and last two or three months of pregnancy. Fatigue also depends on the mother’s physical health. If her physical health is good, she will feel less tired. But never ignore fatigue. Whenever you feel tired, take some rest and try to keep your feet level slightly higher than the rest of your body, for example, if you are lying down, put a pillow under your feet and if you are sitting on a chair, put your feet on a stool.

Muscle spasms:

Common complications during pregnancy sometimes the ligaments develop, causing severe. Cramps usually occur in the calf and foot muscles and in particular, but it happens at night. If your leg muscles start to cramp at night, stand up immediately or stretch your legs vigorously, and massage your legs before going to bed every night. In addition to the Kneecap Widely called round red is readily available at medical stores wear it on your legs at night before going to bed.

Early signs of pregnancy

Deficiency of blood:

Common complications during pregnancy Anemia is common in pregnant women. Anemia is also a major cause of fatigue. The baby in the mother’s womb gets all the necessary components from the mother’s body. All these components reach the baby through blood. If the mother does not get all those necessary components in adequate quantity, then her body becomes anemic. Not all of these components are normally met through the diet, so it is best to consult your doctor to take pills that contain vitamins and iron to compensate for anemia.

Indigestion and stomach irritation:

Common complications during pregnancy Indigestion and heartburn are common complaints in late pregnancy. Due to the increased accumulation of, stress on the stomach causes indigestion and colic. I get irritated. The following measures are proven in the reduction of this discomfort can be:

  • Instead of eating a full meal at one time, eat small meals at intervals throughout the day.
  • Sit straight while eating. From this on the stomach the pressure decreases.
  • Avoid spicy and fried foods.
  • Take a walk after eating.
  • Drink lots of milk. Milk helps relieve stomach irritation. Avoid eating and drinking at night just before going to bed. Sleep with extra pillows.
Nausea and weakness:

Nausea and weakness are a primary symptom of pregnancy. About 80 percent of women experience nausea Common complications during pregnancy. Nausea and weakness are not only experienced in the morning but can occur at any time of the day. You may also experience increased nausea during the day, especially if you don’t eat often enough to cause low blood sugar levels. Nausea usually subsides during the fourteenth to sixteenth (14-16) weeks. Nausea may make you feel bad, but it is good for your baby’s health. Research has shown that nausea is a sign that your baby is getting all the nutrients it needs.

Measures to reduce nausea:

Although your nausea is beneficial for the baby, there is no harm in anti-nausea measures. The following steps are another way to reduce nausea:

  • If you feel nauseated in the morning, it is better to get out of bed slowly when you get up.
  • Eat something dry for breakfast, such as biscuits. Drink plenty of liquids, e.g.: water, syrups and juices.
  • Commercially available cola drinks can also help relieve nausea.
  • Instead of eating a full meal at once, eat small meals at different times of the day.
  • Avoid foods or smells that make you feel nauseous.
  • Research has shown that ginger is useful in relieving nausea, so consume more ginger in your diet. Chew a piece of ginger raw or make coffee and drink it, it is best to prevent nausea. Doctors recommend about one gram of ginger per day to prevent nausea during pregnancy.
  • Get plenty of rest.
  • Avoid wearing clothes that are tight around your waist.

Note: If you feel very nauseous and the food does not stay in your stomach, contact your doctor as you may be dehydrated.

Enlargement and firmness of the breasts:
  • Common complications during pregnancy As time goes by, your breasts will increase in size, and you will feel firmer in them. After the second month, some milk may also be released from them. In such a situation, you should use a comfortable bra and massage by dipping a cloth in lukewarm water.
  • During pregnancy, the size of the nipple also increases, and their color also becomes darker. It is better to massage the nipples daily with a good cream so that their skin is strong and does not get injured when it is time to breastfeed the baby. If your nipples are small and curved inwards, then a few months before the baby is born, push them out for a short time every day so that the baby does not face any problem while breastfeeding.
Frequent urination and sweating:
  • In the early stages of pregnancy Common complications during pregnancy, you may feel heaviness in your pelvis, especially around the dates of your period.
  • This is due to the expansion of blood vessels in the uterus.
  • There is increased blood circulation, so you feel the need to urinate more often is. This condition occurs especially in the last month of pregnancy when the baby is born from the mother Puts pressure on the sac.
  • During pregnancy you have bigger breasts than normal days. You may feel it because all the functions of your body increase due to pregnancy. So daily bathing can be beneficial for you.
Some useful tips:
  • If you feel the need to urinate several times during the night, stop drinking water before going to bed at night.
  • If you start rocking back and forth while urinating, it will reduce the baby’s pressure on the bladder.
  • This way you can empty it well because once you urinate well, you will not need to urinate again and again. . If you experience pain or blood during urination, contact your doctor immediately as you may have an infection.
Constipation during pregnancy:

Some mothers suffer from constipation during pregnancy. The reason for this is growing the baby puts pressure on the intestines. Follow these guidelines to reduce constipation:

  • Eat fiber-rich foods, such as whole-wheat products, fresh fruits and vegetables, etc.
  • If you have a lot of constipation, consult a doctor because constipation is the cause of hemorrhoids and reducing constipation is the only way to prevent hemorrhoids.
  • Drink about eight glasses of water a day.
  • Be sure to take a walk at night.
  • Slight swelling of the hands and feet is normal during pregnancy because the body has more water than normal days. If you gain more than 500 grams (half a kilogram) per week, it means you are gaining too much water, so see your doctor right away. Avoid standing for long periods of time.
  • Wear comfortable shoes. Soak the feet in warm water for a while. Keep the feet as high as possible. Place a pillow under your feet while sleeping at night. Feeling hot on the soles of the feet the soles of the feet feel hot and burning during pregnancy, so the following measures are useful: Mix weight with dry coriander and eat it or grind green coriander and mix it with misery are, this will eliminate the effect of body heat. Soaking your feet in cold water for a while during the day also helps It seems that. Applying henna on the feet can also reduce the pain.
Back pain:
  • Around 50% of women experience back pain during pregnancy. In fact, the entire weight of your baby is carried by the back. As the baby gains weight, the back muscles have to work harder.
  • This is how the back hurts. Always keep your back straight when sitting. It is better to place a cushion behind the back. It will also give you support and pain relief. If you are sitting on a chair, make sure that the back of the chair is straight. It also has arms.
  • And when you sit, put your feet on a small stool. When sitting in a chair, do not sit cross-legged as this can lead to increased back pain.

common complications during pregnancy


Useful measures:
  • Chewy means wear shoes without heels.
  • Work at waist height.
  • While walking, walk straight and make sure the back is not bent forward.
  • Avoid sleeping late.
  • If lying on the crotch side, place a pillow between the legs.
  • If you sleep upright, place a pillow under your knees.
  • Avoid standing for long periods of time.

As the baby’s weight increases, so does the pressure on the anus. This causes inflammation in the vessels around the anus, which can cause pain, itching and hemorrhoids. Constipation is also a major cause of hemorrhoids. If you are facing the above condition then don’t worry, this condition will go away after the baby is born.

Useful tips:

Eat fiber-rich foods, such as: wheat products, fresh vegetables and fruit etc.Drink plenty of water to relieve constipation can make hemorrhoids worse. Ice cubes are also useful. If the piles are on the outside, it is better to apply Vaseline on your finger and push those inwards, because if they stay outside, they will cause you more pain.


Headaches are usually caused by hormonal changes, fatigue, tension and hunger.

Steps to Prevent Headaches:
  • Sometimes headaches are caused by low blood sugar, so always Eat the right amount and at the right time.
  • Drink plenty of water as dehydration can also cause headaches.
  • Avoid too bright light and noise. Rest but not too much.
  • Too much rest can also lead to an increase in headaches. Lying with your feet up for ten to fifteen minutes in a dark and quiet room can also reduce headaches. Cut a lemon.
  • Drinking the juice of its kills can also reduce headaches.
  • Before taking any medicine during pregnancy, make sure that the medicine is not harmful to your baby’s health.
  • A few headaches are normal during pregnancy, so the occasional severe headache is not normal. So, if you feel a severe headache, see a doctor immediately.
Stomach pain:

Abdominal pain is a common complaint of pregnancy. Sometimes night pain can be a sign of a problem, but it is not necessary.

Stomach gas:

Digestion slows down due to various hormones during pregnancy. A growing baby also puts pressure on the stomach and intestines. Thus, the problem of gas arises.

Complaints of constipation:

A major cause of abdominal pain is constipation, which is caused by the pressure of a growing baby on your anus.

Pressure of the baby on the stomach:
Common complications during pregnancy the stomach is just below the ribs. A growing baby puts a lot of pressure on your stomach. So sometimes pain is felt in the stomach. This pain usually occurs during the third trimester. Whenever you feel stomach pain, lie down immediately. This pain is felt more when sitting and gets better with rest. If you are eating while sitting, it is better to eat while sitting straight, this will reduce the pressure on the stomach. Avoid standing or sitting unsupported for long periods of time. Whenever you sit, place a pillow behind your back.
False labor in the stomach:

These waves usually occur during the third trimester. A long time before the baby is born, the mother’s stomach starts to have irregular waves like birth, but it does not mean the time of the baby’s birth.

Contact a doctor immediately:
The following signs can be a precursor to any complication, so if you experience any of these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately:
  • During the first month feel pain or stiffness in the abdomen, their founder Vaginal bleeding, body aches that worsen during labor, dizziness and shoulder pain.
  • During the second or third trimester, experience the following symptoms, such as: increased vaginal discharge, bleeding, cramping feel slight pain and pressure in the hip area. During the second or third trimester, I may feel tightness in the uterus, in the back Feel the pain and very sharp waves.
  • During the second or third trimester, the blood pressure is very high, the face and there is a lot of swelling on the hands.
  • There is burning or mixing of blood during urination, pain in the area below the navel, pain in the back, nausea or vomiting, feeling the need to urinate despite not urinating and fever.
Vaginal Discharge:
During pregnancy Common complications during pregnancy, almost all women have white vaginal discharge that is odorless or has a slight odor. It is similar to premenstrual discharge, but its quantity is greater. During the last days of pregnancy, lactating discharge begins, which means that the delivery of the baby is nearby. Always keep your private parts clean in this situation. Use only plain water for cleaning.
Symptoms of infection:
If the color of the material is different and it has a foul smell or the private part is red, it can be an infection. If you notice anything unusual or if it is itchy, you should consult a doctor immediately. Common problems during pregnancy and their solutions.
If you have an infection:
Drink plenty of water in case of diarrhea as water helps flush out the infection. Consult your doctor and use any cream. Doctors usually prescribe vaginal tablets that are inserted at night shortly before going to bed. These tablets dissolve in the vagina. A special plastic patch is present in the packet to keep the medicine in the vagina.
 Vaginal Bleeding:
Common complications during pregnancy and their menstruation stops soon after conception, but some women may have a few drops of blood on their menstrual dates during the first two months of the process. This is a normal thing, so there is no need to be afraid of it. A little bleeding in the last days of pregnancy can be a sign of childbirth. Also, any type of bleeding is a sign of a complication, so see your doctor immediately whenever you see any bleeding.
Bleeding from the nose:
Common complications during pregnancy Some women may experience occasional nosebleeds during pregnancy. The following measures are useful in stopping bleeding: Press the nose firmly and tilt the head downward. Pour cold water over the head and nose. There is no need to worry if the amount of blood is normal. Soak a cotton ball in each and smell it, the nosebleed will stop.
Stretch Marks:
  • During pregnancy Common complications during pregnancy, the color of a woman’s body becomes darker. A dark brown line below the navel also emerges on the abdomen. Brown dots or shadows also appear on the face. All these things usually go away after the baby is born.
  • As the mother’s belly grows, the skin starts to stretch. Brown lines and marks appear on the skin of the abdomen. These marks can also appear on the breasts and legs. After the birth of the child, these marks decrease. You can apply a good cream on your belly during the last trimester of pregnancy. This will make your skin soft and smooth and help reduce stretch marks. Cocoa butter cream is a good cream for getting rid of stretch marks after childbirth.
Itching on the stomach or all over the body:
Common complications during pregnancy Itching is common during pregnancy, especially in the last trimester, because the blood supply to the skin of a pregnant woman increases. Itching usually stomach. But the contraction occurs at the site. Sometimes this rash can be all over the body. Itching is usually worse at night.

Steps to reduce itching:

Common complications during pregnancy:
  • If you feel itchy, do not eat the skin because scratching the skin will cause itchiness Increases.
  • Keep any lotion in the refrigerator. Whenever itching is felt, it applies to the affected area.
  • Avoid wearing tight clothing.
  • Abdominal skin becomes sensitive due to the spasm, hence excessive scratching.
  • There is a risk of tearing the skin of the abdomen. Bathing in scabies can also be helpful.
  • Whenever you feel itchy, take a short walk. This will distract you from the itching.
Lack of sleep:
During pregnancy, many women suffer from lack of sleep or complain of very restless sleep and strange dreams. If you are facing this situation then there is nothing to worry, it is all normal.
Steps for restful sleep:
If you lie on your crotch and place one pillow under your stomach and another between your legs, this can help you sleep better. Keep your mind free from disturbing thoughts and try to remain calm. Lying on the bed, just think that you are sleepy and want to sleep. If your leg muscles are cramping, stand up immediately, this will relieve the cramp.
Blood pressure:
  • Common complications during pregnancy It is very important to monitor blood pressure during pregnancy. Too low or too high blood pressure can be dangerous for both mother and baby. Do your normal checkup at least once a month.
  • If you feel that the blood pressure is increasing every month, then it is better to do a urine protein test every month.
  • If the blood pressure is rising a little every month and there is no protein in the urine, then there is no need to worry, if the blood pressure is increasing too much, there is more swelling in the feet, elbows and face and there is also protein in the urine.
  • If present, this problem may be a sign of a larger complication. If your high blood pressure is out of control, it is dangerous for you and your baby’s life, so doctors usually recommend surgery before birth to save your life or both of you. They try to give birth to a child.

common complications during pregnancy

Risks of complications from high blood pressure:

Women are at higher risk of complications from blood pressure in the following situations:

  • Women who have hypertension before the procedure.
  • Those who have diabetes.
  • Those who have blood pressure disease in their family. Who are expected to have twins.
  • Those whose age is less than 21 years or more than 35 years. Those who have kidney disease.
Steps to Lower Blood Pressure:
  • Get your general checkup done regularly every month. This will let you know about the monthly increase in blood pressure and you from the beginning of pregnancy.
  • You will be able to take steps to reduce blood pressure.
  • Eat food with no salt or very little salt.
  • Avoid eating fried chili spices and market items. The pressure will decrease.
  • Drink about eight glasses of water a day. Lying on the bed, lie on the left crotch, so that the baby’s major blood vessels are over.
  • Put your feet up on the wall for a while several times a day.
  • Avoid drinking things that contain caffeine, e.g.: tea, coffee, etc.
Varicose Veins:

During pregnancy, blood circulation in the abdomen and legs increases. The return process of this blood is seven. Blood starts pooling in the legs. Due to this, the veins of the legs become swollen. These veins are called varicose vein.

Avoid staying in the window for too long. Put your legs up against the wall for a while during the day.  After getting out of bed in the morning, wear round rubber (Kneecap) in the legs, this will lead to varicose veins. Massage your legs at night before going to bed.
Restlessness in the legs:
During pregnancy Common complications during pregnancy, most women feel discomfort in their legs while sleeping at night.
Some useful tips:

Common complications during pregnancy take a wide band that is two to two and a half meters in length or a dupatta and tie it around the leg so tightly that you feel the blood stop in the legs. After about five minutes, when you feel you can’t take it anymore, remove the bandage. This will make you feel a noticeable difference in leg discomfort. Whenever you feel discomfort in the legs, this method can be used. Round rubber (Kneecap) is also useful in leg discomfort. Wear it whenever your legs feel uncomfortable. Restlessness in the legs is usually due to iron deficiency in the body, so you can use pills to remove iron deficiency with doctor’s advice.

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